Rio Grande Model RR Club for 8-18 years old. Instuctors: Mrs Garrison(in purple) & Mr Filebark(in green) --- and in remembrance Mr. Joe Rogers' (pictured to the left) Yard.

Assembling, in the center of the room, the ASHOME HO module club. It is normally located at 2225 Wyoming NE, next to Souper Salad!  They're there Mon., Wed. 10-3pm & Saturday 10-4pm.

Also assembling is the Railrunner N scale model railroad club. They are now located at 3351-A Candelaria Rd NE(old Trains West), ABQ, Wed 6 PM - 8 PM Sat 9 AM - Noon ... Stop by!!

So what scale is this? It's LEGOS® and you can have a layout and trains running...

And finally it's the Rio Grande club for 8-18 boys and girls and volunteer adults. Al Hovey(in green) is the chief organizer of the RARG train shows and this club.