- Calender of events for (central) NM http://www.my.calendars.net/NMRA_Division_6
Click here to go to local Train Stores
- Santa Fe Model Railroad Club. Many activities & scales. http://www.santafemodelrailroadclub.org/
- The Train Collector's Association (TCA), Rio Grande Chapter: Train Meets," where members may buy, sell, or trade trains, or just enjoy the fellowship of collecting. http://www.tcadd.org/pages/calendar02.html
- Alamogordo, NM Train Museum. http://toytraindepot.homestead.com/ ...Toy Trains, all scales, even rideable.
- Albuquerque home of the SANTA FE 2926 LARGE STEAM ENGINE: http://www.nmslrhs.org/
- Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, Inc., Duke City Chapter. Berkpac@q.com
- Socorro Train Gang, Hammel Museum at 600 N 6 th street, 1st Saturday of each month, 9 to 12. Work session every Thursday, 7 p.m.
New Mexico Garden (G scale) Railroad Club http://www.nmgrr.org/
- Toy Train Operating Society of New Mexico (TTOS). https://tca-rgc.org/?page_id=423
- N Scale -
- Primarly displaying and operating our layout at public event. www.nmgrr.com/nmrailrunners/index.html
- ALBQ SOCIETY HO MODEL ENGRS (ASHOME), Orville:1-505-256-3616, www.nmgrr.com/ashomenew
- Rio Grande Valley Model RR Club : at the N.M. Fair Grounds in Albuquerque, NM (We sell new & used model train items)